hello guys, first of all I must sincerely apologize to my iPhoneusers for elongating the recent tweak alone for PC and Android users.
I didn¡¯t forget iPhone/iPad users.
One of the reasons why Android and some other device always get luckier is because most recent tunneling vpn & network tweak supports Android and PC majorly but for iPhone not in all cases.
For you to enjoy the Free MTN 0.0 browsing on your iPhone, you need to download OpenVPNon your iOS with it¡¯s configure files and configure it same as others.
But it rocks best when you have a Premium account.
iPhone users I¡¯ll try as much as possible to always look for tweak that suit your device while Android have theirs.
Back to Android, while we are gallantly waiting for the rolling of BBM few days from now, you can still rock with your free mtn surfing using TroidVPN.
The last tutorial on DroidvpnI posted seems to be disconnecting all the time.
If you have already installed TroidVPNon your Android Phone, you should be smiling after the configuration you will see below.
If Sandroid didn't work on your android, this is a better alternative to surf F.O.C.
How Can I Configure TroidVPN To Browse With MTN Sim?
==>Download it here
and install if you don¡¯t already have it
==>Set the Protocol to TCP
==>Set the tLPort to 5222
==>Set the RPort to 1110
==>Set your apn to web.gprs.mtnnigria. net
==>Connect and surf with ease.
Currently, its rocking very fast and stable with premium account.
Tested & Confirmed